SEED 2022 Home

SEED 2022

September 26 - September 27, 2022

 Held Virtually





Zoom Host

  1. Make sure to start and stop recording of sessions.
  2. Make session chairs co-host.
  3. Manage waiting room.
  4. Have presenters check their audio and video.
  5. In case a presenter is unable to present live, have the short video ready to show.
    * Go to Share Screen, click on “Share Computer Sound” at the left bottom of the Share screen before hitting “Share”. The attendees will not hear the sound unless this option is selected.
    * Choose “Optimize Screen Share for Video Clip” to avoid resizing
    * Make sure the presenter has the microphone muted

Session Chair

  1. Open the session, greet the presenters, and make them co-host. Invite Participants to send questions by Chat.
  2. Introduce the paper and the Presenter, be quick (aim for 1-line bios).
  3. Presenter goes to Share Screen.
    * IMPORTANT: click on “Share Computer Sound” at the left bottom of the Share screen before hitting “Share”. The attendees will not hear the sound unless this option is selected.
  4. Acknowledge the video/audio of the presenter and make sure everyone is muted during the live presentation.
  5. Monitor the Chat channel, extracting questions for Q&A.
  6. At the end of the presentation, Stop Sharing, and manage Q&A.


  1. Join the zoom call 10 minutes prior to your session start time (except session 1, where the presenter should join 10 minutes prior to the welcome remarks).
  2. Test your video and audio with the session chair prior to the start of your session. Each presentation is expected to be live using Share Screen.
  3. Before presenting, close unnecessary browser windows to avoid accidental noise during presentation. Make sure to unmute before you start presenting.
  4. Session chair will track chat questions, so speaker (when presenting live) need not worry about Q&A.


  1. All registered participants will receive Zoom links via email.
  2. Enter your full name at sign in.
  3. Make sure your audio is muted during presentations.
  4. Enter your questions in the chat or raise hand during Q&A.

Questions? Feel free to contact the General Chair via email, Omer Khan:



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